Our next major event will be our …
Spring Concert
Featuring music by Herbert Howells, Handel and others.
On Saturday 29 March 2025, 3pm
at the Church of St John the Evangelist in Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1JY
Conducted by Stephen Jones
Organist Simon Worley
Tickets: £15 from choir members
Or Telephone 07986 783242
or (from 1st March) from
Good Friday
Then on Good Friday (18th April 2025) starting at 7:30pm, we will sing parts of Handel’s Messiah (Part 2 and the final sequence: Worthy is the Lamb, Blessing and Honour and Amen).
This will take the form of a service at the United Reformed Church in Potters Bar, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 1BZ
Again this will be Conducted by Stephen Jones and the organist will be Simon Worley